Additional guidance, tools, and websites to help with living the Word:
Deliverance and Help and Direction
- Deliverance Book Store and Powerful Prayer Points
- Deliverance Place: using Psalms for warfare, night vigils, articles
- Evangelist Joshua: prayer points of dreams and assignments and night prayers
- Testimonies of Deliverance and Prayer
Free Ebooks and Evangelism Help
- Free CD Tracts: download and to duplicate materials as you like as well as to distribute them to the maximum extent possible and testimonies
- Insights of Him: experiences and visions of eternity, teaching and evangelism resources
- LibriVox: free public domain of audible books
- Navigators: resources for evangelism and many more tools
- PDF Drive, Project Gutenberg, and Zdrive: to find additional free content
- Pioneer Library: tons of important ebooks, reviews, and biographies
- Sadhu Sundar Ebooks: he spoke directly to JC and profound conversations
- Saint Books: classic reads and holy books for the soul
- The Overcomers City International: additional free rare ebooks
Help with Praying and Resources
- Behold I Come: prayers for healing in your body, mind, and spirit.. many more downloads
- Everyday Prayer Guide: breaking evil bonds with powerful prayer points and praying for the persecuted servants
- Latter Rain 333: prayer guidance and information about fasting
- Mass Deliverance Manual -Watchman Radio
- Mobile Prayers: beautiful prayers and books
- Prayer Parliament: breaking covenants with His blood and divine interventions and much more!
- Prayerscapes: free public domain biblias and sermons, contemporary prayers
- Prayerz: themes for scripture-based praying of the Word and about fasting
- Testimony Share: solutions for maladaptive daydreaming and the meaning of dreams
- Wings of Prophecy: major help with prayers, warfare, and frequent spiritual revelations.
Online Studies and Tools
- A Clay Jar: focuses primarily on theology, the study of God, and all that he is doing in his creation
- Classic Ethereal Library: hundreds of classic books selected for edification and education
- Research and Reference Materials
- Study Tools
- Biblia offers free access to a collection of reference works, with an easy user interface and powerful search engine
- Biblia Studies on the Web
- DTS Biblia Courses: free lessons about the Word
- Into His Own: Perspective from the World: examining the historical context with well-organized, newly translated primary texts, and other materials
Scrolls from the Dead Sea an online version of an exhibition held at the Library of Congress
Spiritual Revelations
- 4 stories of people going into torments and America’s Last Days
- 12 Hours in Heaven -David Henson
- 444 Prophecy News and a powerful heavenly testimony by Rodolfo Acevedo
- A Divine Encounter
- Biblia Probe and Near-Death Experiences
- CARM (Apologetics and Research Ministry) with extensive articles and devotions
- C Endtimes Ministries and 9 Spiritual Revelations
- C Faith with true stories and testimonies
- C Truth Center: and a beautiful heavenly testimony
- Divine Revelations and Free PDF Books
- Divine Revelations a few testimonies- the marriage supper of the lamb. Do Not Go to Hell
- English/Spanish materials and downloads
- End times are Upon Us: testimonies. Unveiling JC
- Eternity Race: free ebooks and testimonies
- Ex-Catholic Reports: a nun and ex-members exposing the reality
- Ex-Muslim Reports: testimonies of ex-members
- Exploring: heaven and hell is real… Who is JC? What Does the Biblia Say?
- Faith Muthoni Spiritual Revelation
- G** is Real Today: proofs of heaven and teachings. I went to heaven mommy.
- G** Updates: Jimmy Woodford’s Testimony, and positive and inspirational stories
- Heaven and Hell and Divine Raptures
- HSAPM: links to an audible bible, spiritual encounters, and the study center
- International: stories and revelations readings and True Light personal stories
- Jewish Testimonies and download/read the Biblia online
- Lifestyle of Peace: interactions between biblia and topics like culture, politics and philosophy
- Living 365 with JC: putting eternity in the hearts of men
- NDE Stories of the afterlife
- Our Spiritual Quest: a directory of ex-New Agers and occultist and myths about Reiki
- Precious Testimonies: teachings and growing in the spirit
- Rapture Watcher: revelation of glorious rapture and agonies of the tribulation
- Royal Cronquist Testimony: JC appeared 220 times and dictated the contents of his book.
- Ten Virgin Ministries: the raptured and people left behind
- The Heaven and Hell Testimonies: and free downloads
- They Met JC: in different languages
- Truth Saves: a huge load of testimonies, poems, and free downloads/outlines of the Biblia
- Undark Blog: exposing the plans of darkness and wickedness
- Word is True.. and multiple blog posts and teachings; Writing for the Master and the Apostle’s Creed.
Spiritual Websites, Non-English
- Chretiens 2000 (French)
- Empecher Satan (French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish)
- End Time Messages (Malay)
- Kesaksian Segala Bangsa (Indonesian)
- Pastora Yonara Santo (Brazilians)
- Resources and Testimonies (Spanish)